The history of the company

  • 1987

    Cozzi Srl was born in 1987 on the initiative of Mr. Ambrogio Cozzi. At the beginning, production concerned about shoe’s components, especially insoles for shoes.

  • Later, following the market requests, Cozzi Srl realizes thermoformated "shells" in expanded polyethylene, able to satisfy all problems concerning cover and isolation. From smaller thermostatic valves to conditioning and cooling equipments.

  • The evolution of technology in recent years has permitted the development of installations featuring better and better performance and solutions, significantly improving indoor comfort while keeping energy consumption very low thanks to use of innovative energy-saving materials such as mesh expanded closed cell Polyethylene with UL94 certification for covering hydronic circuits and all their components.

  • Today the production spaces in different cooling’s branches, in which Cozzi Srl imposed itself as European leader for quality. The company has an inner workshop that allows to realize moulds and prototypes, to show to the customer the sample in short times.

  • 2021We wanted to give a further distinctive sign that guarantees the quality of our products that we have been making for over thirty years. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE of the brand and COZZI®Srl registered on 10/15/2021 – N. 018503152.


  • 2021 Cozzi has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System which complies with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 in the following field of application: "DESIGN, MOULDING AND MANUFACTURING OF THERMOFORMED INSULATING PRODUCTS".

    UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

  • 2023 SMEs flagship of Made in Italy: 800 champions of growth 8th November 2022 The German Institute for Quality and Finance has selected the Companies with the higher development rate. Cozzi is very proud to be among the “Fantastic 800” and receive a recognition for its everyday commitment to work and towards its customers. The German Institute for Quality and Finance (Itqf) dedicated its last study to “The growth Champions” by selecting the best 800 companies driving the recovery according to the average annual growth in the 3-year period 2018-2021.

    campioni della crescitacampioni della crescita

Cozzi in the world: where we export

Environmental Sustainability

Cozzi Srl is increasingly attentive to sustainability and environmental protection.
The residues deriving from the production cycle, maintaining the same original qualitative characteristics, are valorised in compliance with the applicable legislation and re-introduced on the European market as "by-products", thus promoting the development of circularity both internally and of commercial partners who reuse them, saving virgin raw material, in the production of “shock pads”.

Press review: online articles

Press review: journal publications

Quality Policy

The Management considers Quality as a fundamental element of the business strategy. Its culture is promoted through the commitment of those who work in and for the Company.

Quality Policy

Ethics in the company

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the organization, management and control model, Cozzi Srl has adopted this Code of Ethics by its employees, external collaborators and partners, as well as by the administrators and members of the Supervisory Body.

Code of ethics

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Certification

Cozzi has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System which complies with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 in the following field of application: "DESIGN, MOULDING AND MANUFACTURING OF THERMOFORMED INSULATING PRODUCTS"

ISO 9001-2015

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CERTIFICATION iso 9001:2015 Cozzi srl

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